Know your purpose.
Find your people.
Make your impact.

Know your purpose. Find your people. Make your impact.

Moving people from pain and frustration to purpose and impact.

Many people want to live a life of impact but they are stuck in overwhelming problems like anxiety, depression, addictions, and relationship issues. We exist to point people back to their purpose.

With this change of focus, people begin a journey that empowers them to face their problems while pursuing a life they love to live.

– Mark & Adena Delaney

The Plan

Our vision is to build and equip a team of hundreds who can help thousands of people to find purpose and freedom. Five years ago it was Mark and Adena which impacted hundreds.

As of 2024 we have added 10 more facilitators to the team and the impact has reached around the United States and in 11 different countries. Our dream is to work together to increase our reach in the number of people who discover the pathway to a transformed life.

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What we do

Who do you know that is living a life they truly love?

We created an 8 week program called “The Purpose Mastermind.” These conversations can be experienced in the workplace, homes, coffee shops, churches, or anywhere else where people gather.

These conversations guide people to clearly know their purpose and gain the freedom to live it out. Many people believe the lie that they must fix their past and overcome their problems before living out a life of impact.

We compel people to start with their purpose, then face their problems while they focus on their purpose, and begin to live a life they love.

"Purpose helps people to look at life differently..."

“Mark and Adena leverage their entire lives to love and serve the people around them so they might find their purpose. In finding their purpose, people find life! Their message of purpose helps people to look at life differently. With a shift in perspective, people step into the life they were created to live.” — Daniel Dolan

Donor Daniel Dolan

Making Purpose Possible

Our Work In Action

Our approach is simple yet powerful: Through engaging conversations, anyone can discover their purpose and find the freedom to live it out.

Supporting couples and individuals in relationship crisis.

The Purpose Mastermind In Prisons

Visiting prisons and help inmates discover their purpose.​

The Purpose Mastermind In High Schools and College

Speaking in colleges & schools about mental health and life vision.

The Purpose Mastermind - Life Changing Content

Publishing life-changing, purpose-initiating content.​

Growing a passionate team of facilitators to multiply our efforts.

Bringing the message of purpose to corporate training and events.​

"We want to see people empowered to chase their purpose instead of spending years stuck focusing on their problems."​

Donor Kellen Cowan

"Their work brings clarity, healing, and focus..."​

“Mark and Adena have a rare gift for revealing the lies and wounds that keep people stuck and often feeling like they are drowning. Their work brings clarity, healing, and focus to individuals and couples who have been drifting in despair. Instead, they are empowered to live with passion and fulfillment. I believe in what they do because they help people stop drifting and start living with purpose and power.” — Kellen Cowan

How to Get Involved

You can make an impact in this movement! Here are three easy ways you can get involved. Support us financially to train new facilitators to extend our reach into more homes and communities. Connect us with others because referrals are powerful when someone needs life change. Listen to our podcast and share it with people you know that will benefit from its message. 

Support us Financially

Your donation creates opportunities for individuals to have powerful life change and to equip and train leaders to extend our reach.

Connect us with Others

We are always looking for opportunities to bring our message to more people. Whether it’s a live workshop or a 1-on-1 meeting.

Listen to our podcast

Our podcast was created to provide ongoing support for people who want to live on purpose and make a difference in the world.

Brett Richison

"When people find purpose, they find self worth..."

What Mark and Adena are doing is changing lives for the better. They are changing lives by helping people find their purpose which gives them a whole new perspective on life. When people find purpose, they find self worth. — Brett Richison

Meet the Founders

Mark & Adena Delaney

Mark and Adena Delaney founded The Purpose Mastermind Association in 2022. Since 1992 they have been investing in the lives of people as pastors, teachers, facilitators, and content creators. They are committed to spending the rest of their lives supporting the purpose and legacy of others. The most important facet of their life has always been their commitment to God and their family.

They married In 1992, raised 3 children, and have 4 grandchildren. In their free time, they enjoy simple adventures like pickleball, disc golf or hiking.

Connect with us at

Mark And Adena Delaney Purpose Mastermind